Monday, July 29, 2013

The Curious Case of Baby Bottoms

We are a family obsessed with bums! Yup, you heard that right; our jokes are funnier when it includes the mention of the rear. Our coochie-poos canoodling is more sweet and syrupy when it’s about the bottoms. When my sister had my niece (the elder one), our vocabulary took a drastic turn, and we both invented many innovative names for yours truly. Eventually, it became a habit for us to measure the loveliness of baby with the softness of baby bottoms. Weird, I know. But we Chanda’s are like that.

Ah! Seriously, can anything beat the joy of squeezing the chubbiness of baby soft bon bon? Watch any of that Pamper, Huggies or Johnson & Johnsons ads, the cute pat on the baby bottom always bring a smile to the face. 

 In my family, my nephew Ivan is the undisputed winner of having the softest baby bottom. I mean, we being a bum family have never come across a softer rear as his. You can compare it with the wispiness of cotton and the cotton will fall short of it. Life was happier when they were in India. I’ve not seen those cute 3 booties (2 nieces and 1 nephew) for 3 years now, and they have grown enough to be embarrassed by this post of Butu mashi. 

Guess I’ve to wait for some time more to coochie coo those three bums. Till then, I’ve my munchkin’s ever soft bottoms to console with! Ahhh!

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